Wednesday, 22 April 2009


I'm sitting here all rugged up at the moment writing this. I have the virus from hell. Woke up this morning and could barely speak at all. Yuck!
I got a flu shot at work a couple of weeks ago, i thought it was supposed to stop me from getting sick. Yet here I am!
My head feels kinda like it might explode. Yuck.Yuck.Yuck.
I went to the doctors earlier, and there was already someone in with the doctor while I was in the waiting room. So I was just sitting there, and this guy around my age walks out - very cute. Then the doctor comes out after him and goes 'so yeah, blahblah medication should help with the diarrhea'. The poor guy looked absolutely mortified. Hahaha.
Anyway, that's about it for me today. I've got tomorrow off too, I plan to completely rest up. Peeejay Day. Ftw. :]

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